The true story of Hong Kong born Thomas Sylvanus (Ah Yee Way), an orphan brought to America for schooling in the mid1850s, but enslaved in Baltimore. Only sixteen at the outbreak of war, Thomas ran north, joined the Freedom Army, and was blinded in the first major campaign. He failed to fully recover his sight and, deemed incapable of performing the duties of a soldier, was discharged. Yet he reenlisted twice, saved his regiment's colors during the bloodbath of Spotsylvania, was lamed at Cold Harbor, and survived 9 months imprisonment in
the dreaded Andersonville stockade. His health broken, but his spirit intact, he battled for survival and justice for his family and himself until his death in 1891. Ruthanne Lum McCunn, writer of Chinese and Scottish descent whose award winning work has been translated into eleven languages and adapted for stage and film, will present her latest work. Books will be available for purchase and signing. Title: Girl In Translation Author: Jean Kwok Copyright: 2010 Prices: Amazon softcover $10.21, Kindle $9.70, check your local library for availability Summary: This is a semi-autobiographical novel that begins with 11 year old Kimberly Chang and her mother arriving from Hong Kong to the United States. This immigrant's tale includes living in a roach infested apartment, working in a sewing factory, and being misunderstood at school. Kimberly perseveres and is awarded a full scholarship at a private school. Read about her assimilation when life is complicated by romance and other relationships. The book group will meet on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at lunchtime in Chinatown. If you are interested, please send a RSVP by September 11 at [email protected] to be included in the information loop. AAWC members are invited to participate in a one time book discussion. Here are the details: Book title: Crazy Rich Asians Author: Kevin Kwan Copyright: 2013 Prices: Amazon hardcover $17.56, Kindle $10.99, check local library for availability excerpt: This novel is a satire about an American born Chinese women who is invited by her boyfriend to attend his cousin's wedding in Singapore. She is shocked to find that his family is extremely rich and super eccentric. This book details family dynamics, luxurious lifestyles, Asian geographic points of interest, and interesting food. The book group will meet in February 2014. A specific date will be selected once we know the participants. If you are interested, please contact me by January 11, at [email protected] and I will keep you in the information loop. |
January 2017